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Finished Pieces

Studio Ghibli Inspired Scene
Blue Crow Cowboy Bebop Inspired
Go Space Cowboy
Skeletal Journey
Wonderful Night
Walk in the Rain
Knight Helmets
Normal Day in Innsmouth
Imagine Bloodborne 2 ‘Windthroats Visage’
Æthelwulf’s Keep
Tragedy of the Evergreen
The Revenant

Graphic Design

Sketch Work

Sketch 003
Thumbnails 003
Sketch 016
Sketch 015
Thumbnails 001
Sketch 014
Sketch 013
Sketch 012
Sketch 011
Sketch 010
Passing from the Homely House
The Witch King
Thumbnails 002
Sketch 008
Sketch 001
Sketch 007
Sketch 006
Sketch 005
Sketch 004
Sketch 002

©2022 by Art by Jacob Ross

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